You now have the option to book online same-day appointments (available 72 hours before) and phone appointments (available 14 days prior).
1. To book a same-day in-person appointment:
Same-day bookings should only be made for the following reasons.
Same-day bookings are only booked for 10mins. You should not book a same-day booking because you found a sooner appointment online. Most appointments are pre-booked at 20mins. Do not book on the same day and expect a phone call.
Available days for same-day appointments:
Tuesday and Thursday 1:40-2:40 pm
Occasional Mondays and Fridays
2. To book phone calls:
Phone call bookings are available to book 14 days in advance.
Available days for phone call appointments:
Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-10:00 am
3. If you are a Bolton FHO patient and Dr. El Khouly is the scheduled on-call doctor, click the below button:
For all our patients and more so for the patients 65y of age and above, flu shots are available in our office. Please call the office and book an appointment or book an appointment through our online booking.
As a patient of Dr. El Khouly's practice, you are privileged to access the Bolton Family Health Organization (FHO) after hours.
This allows better care and follow-up. It is comprised of 10 physicians across Bolton, who are working together to give you better access to quality primary care services. The FHO is designed for urgent and crisis appointments. The availability of the FHO should not be used for physicals.
We encourage you to call 416-236-2258 to find out who is the available on-call doctor for the group.
This service is available every evening from 5-8 pm except Friday and on Saturday from 9 am - 3 pm.
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RVSP by Nov 24. Spots are limited! Call us at 905-857-3474 or click the button below to RSVP!